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What’s the Best Gym? How Front Door Health Makes It Easy to Get the Treatment You Deserve

Casey Pletcher • December 30, 2022

What’s the Best Gym? How Front Door Health Makes It Easy to Get the Treatment You Deserve


There’s an old expression…

What’s the best gym? The one you’ll go to!


The same is true for many things in life—including substance use treatment.

There are a lot of barriers that can get in the way of receiving the treatment you need and deserve. Below are some of the barriers many seeking treatment face, and how Front Door Health addresses those barriers to make it easier than ever to get treatment for your substance use disorder.

Taking Time Off Work


Many people that suffer from substance use disorder have to go to work every day. Sadly, not everyone can get the time off work that is required for a treatment center. Even outpatient treatment requires hours a day throughout the week, often at inconvenient times.

Front Door Health offers in-home treatment that is built around your schedule. This means no time off work is required!



Not everyone is lucky enough to live in an area with an easy commute to a treatment center. Outpatient treatment patients often find it a hassle to commute to and from a treatment center. It is time-consuming and can get in the way of other activities.

As Front Door Health treatment services are performed at home, there is no commute!

Falling Behind on Obligations


Checking into a treatment center generally means putting your life on hold. This is especially true for inpatient treatment, where you are required to live at the facility and receive treatment throughout the day. If you have no outside obligations, this may not be a major concern. For those with kids, people to take care of, work, and other obligations, taking time off simply may not be a possibility.

Front Door Health allows you to receive convenient treatment 24/7, from your own home.

Social Anxiety


Treatment centers are generally social affairs. There are a lot of group sessions that require you to interact with others—specifically others in early sobriety. For those with social anxiety, this prospect can seem like a nightmare!

Front Door Health provides one-on-one treatment services. Our specialists are focused on you, and only you. You get our full attention, and you don’t have to worry about opening up around strangers.


Is In-Home Treatment Right for Me?


While inpatient and outpatient treatment can be helpful, in-home treatment offers a lot of advantages that make it preferable for many patients. One major factor is how convenient it is. Like the gym analogy, it’s easier than ever to get treatment through Front Door Health, as we come to your home to provide treatment services.

Front Door Health provides treatment for patients with substance use disorders and dual-diagnosis disorders. We take a scientific approach to treatment, and we create custom treatment plans for our patients to increase their chances of success. Our team believes patients should get the treatment they need when they need it. That’s why we offer immediate treatment for patients (often same-day enrollment!). We also provide 24/7 treatment services for our patients. We are here when you need us!

We understand that it can be difficult to put your life on hold. Our in-home treatment allows you to continue to meet your work, school, family, and other obligations while receiving the treatment you deserve.

If you would like to learn more about in-home treatment, contact Front Door Health today. We’re happy to answer any questions and provide you with the help you need.



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