With significantly limited social interaction, lack of access to supportive resources, and few emotional outlets, the relentless pandemic and response has left many of us feeling consistently high levels of stress, boredom, and isolation. These feelings make substance use an especially appealing option, as drugs and alcohol provide quick and predictable relief. Unsurprisingly, new research has shown sharp increases in alcohol consumption and illicit drug use during the pandemic.
While virtual therapy has filled some gaps, it is nowhere near a perfect substitute for face-to-face interaction, and it comes with a slew of new issues and challenges that reduce the quality of care that can be provided.
Our At-Home treatment program not only provides you with enhanced access to treatment, additional helpful resources, and in-person support from your designated Care Team, but also delivers a more personalized treatment experience for improved chances of recovery.
While we can't change the Pandemic, we can change our response to it. Call us today to get started: 773-747-5500.