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Can I Drink in Moderation?

Casey Pletcher • May 15, 2023

Can I Drink in Moderation?

Drinking in moderation is something that comes naturally to some, but not so much to others. In fact, there are some people who struggle to drink in moderation to the point where drinking is no longer a viable option.

It’s important to understand what drinking in moderation looks like, along with how overconsumption and substance use disorder manifest themselves. From there, you can better determine whether your drinking is problematic and whether or not you may need treatment.

Below is more information about moderation, different approaches to drinking, and what treatment options may be available for those that are unable to drink in moderation.

Can I Drink in Moderation?


To better understand whether or not drinking in moderation is a good approach, you’ll first need to consider what drinking in moderation actually looks like.

Moderate drinkers are able to stop at one or two drinks and even leave drinks unfinished. Some moderate drinkers may have a drink or two when they get home to “unwind,” but will suffer no adverse effects if they choose not to.

Moderate drinkers generally don’t go out of their way to find situations in which they can drink, especially excessively. While a moderate drinker may meet friends at the bar or have a couple of drinks while hanging out at the beach, the main purpose of these activities isn’t to drink. Drinking is more of a side activity and a way to relax and even be more social.

If you find you are unable to stop at one or two, go out of your way to drink, and drink excessively on your own, it’s likely that you are not a moderate drinker.

Consequences are also a major factor in determining whether you are a moderate drinker or not. If you find drinking is causing problems in your home, school, or work life, or if your health is declining due to drinking and you can’t seem to stop, you are not a moderate drinker.

Take a moment to consider why you are drinking, and what alternatives there may be to drinking. For instance, if you are drinking to unwind or cope with social situations, are there alternatives? Could you try meditation or yoga instead? If you find other ways to handle these situations and choose to drink instead, you may want to consider why you are choosing to drink to handle situations that can be handled without a drink.

Different Treatment Approaches


There are different treatment options that may be available if you find you can no longer drink in moderation. For some, behavioral health treatment can get to the root issues that are causing overconsumption and alleviate them. In these cases, moderation may be reincorporated later on. Often, though, overconsumption is due to a substance use disorder, which is a medical condition.

By meeting with a trained professional and undergoing treatment, the right approach can be uncovered.

Having Trouble with Moderation?


If you find you are no longer able to drink in moderation and it is beginning to negatively affect your life, reach out to Front Door Health for support.

Front Door Health provides judgment-free in-home treatment for patients when they need it. We take an evidence-based approach to treatment, and we create custom treatment plans for our patients to increase their chances of success. Our treatment process is client-focused and individualized. This means no group sessions with strangers and no “treatment as usual” approach. You are unique and the treatment plan we create for you is designed to meet you where you are along your journey and help you to reach your recovery goals.

We understand that it can be difficult to put your life on hold and take time off work. Our in-home treatment allows you to continue to meet your work, school, family, and other obligations while receiving the treatment you deserve.

If you would like to learn more about in-home treatment, contact Front Door Health today. We’re happy to answer any questions and provide you with the help you need.



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