What Is Process Addiction?
There are different forms of addiction, and not all of them involve the use of drugs or alcohol. If someone is addicted to a behavior, they are likely suffering from what is known as a “process addiction.”
A process addiction is a compulsion to engage in a behavior repeatedly, even when it is causing negative consequences. The “addiction” refers to the inability to simply stop the behavior. Those with a process addiction generally require a higher level of care to address the addiction and cease or manage the behavior.
Below is more information about process addiction, including the types, telltale signs, consequences, and in-home treatment as an option to address process addiction.
Types of Process Addiction
Process addiction isn’t just one thing. There are actually a few behaviors that can fall under the umbrella of process addiction. Some of these include:
· Gambling
· Sex, porn, and masturbation
· Gaming
· Eating
· Shopping
· Internet/Social media
Signs to Look Out For
There are some telltale signs you’ll want to look out for to better determine if you are suffering from a process addiction. Some of these signs include:
· Obsession with a behavior
· Financial issues
· Inability to quit a behavior
· Neglecting other activities and responsibilities
· Lying
· Engaging in risky behaviors
· Hiding food
· Social withdrawal
· Arrests
· Binge eating
· Weight gain
· Consistent money borrowing
The Consequences of Process Addiction
The consequences of process addiction will be different from person to person and based on the specific form of addiction. With that said, there are some common consequences of process addiction that include:
· Health concerns (heart disease, diabetes, and more)
· Financial strain and debt
· Loss of relationships (including friends, family, and spouses)
· Foreclosure
· Legal issues
· Loss of income and job
· Anxiety
· Depression
· Low self-esteem
· Fatigue and trouble sleeping
If you are experiencing these consequences as a result of a behavior, you may be suffering from a process addiction. Reach out to Front Door Health for a proper diagnosis and to receive the care you need from the comfort of your own home.
How In-Home Treatment Helps with Process Addiction
In-home treatment is an excellent option for those suffering from process addiction. Below are some of the top reasons why you’ll want to consider in-home care to address a process addiction…
Treatment in the “Real World”
One of the most difficult aspects of handling a process addiction is how easy it is to access the behavior. For instance, gambling, viewing porn, and shopping can be done online. Food is a necessity to live. The internet itself is often required for work.
Because of this, living in a treatment center often isn’t an ideal option. It’s best for many patients to receive treatment in the “real world,” where they will encounter these challenges day-in, day-out.
Front Door Health offers in-home treatment, which allows our clients to receive the care they need in the “real world.” We help our clients to work through their addiction and grow while being exposed to real-world triggers that will inevitably pop up.
Treatment from the Comfort of Your Own Home
It can be extremely difficult to put your life on hold to receive the treatment you need. With that said, there are major possible consequences if the issue isn’t addressed. For those who aren’t able to take time off to receive treatment, in-home treatment may be an excellent option.
Clients of Front Door Health are able to receive the treatment they need, where and when they need it.
Personalized Care
Process addiction is a very personal thing, and it varies from person to person. Because of this, personalized care is ideal to address these forms of addiction. Many treatment centers revolve around group sessions, which can be helpful, but may not be enough.
In-home treatment is built around one-on-one interactions and personalized care tailored to meet the needs of the individual patient.
Family Involvement
Process addiction can greatly affect not only the person suffering from the addiction but also their family. Because of this, family involvement in treatment can be extremely beneficial.
While with treatment centers a patient may need to wait for a family appointment or a “family day” to receive treatment with the ones they love, in-home treatment allows the patient to address concerns brought on by their addiction with their loved ones in a way that is helpful and healing—and they are able to do so around their schedule. No waiting for family day or an appointment time that everyone has to rush to and plan their day around. Instead, treatment can be provided whenever is best for the entire family and not the treatment center.
In-Home Process Addiction Treatment Tailored to Your Needs
If you believe you are suffering from a process addiction, reach out to Front Door Health today for support.
Front Door Health provides concierge, judgment-free in-home treatment for patients when they need it. We take an evidence-based approach to treatment, and we create custom treatment plans for our patients to increase their chances of success. Our treatment process is client-focused and individualized. This means no group sessions with strangers and no “treatment as usual” approach. You are unique and the treatment plan we create for you is designed to meet you where you are along your journey and help you to reach your recovery goals.
We understand that it can be difficult to put your life on hold and take time off work. Our in-home treatment allows you to continue to meet your work, school, family, and other obligations while receiving the treatment you deserve.
If you would like to learn more about in-home treatment, contact Front Door Health today. We’re happy to answer any questions and provide you with the help you need.
There are a lot of advantages to in-home treatment, which include: