Tips for Understanding and Avoiding Your Triggers
There are all sorts of things that can trigger someone with a substance use disorder and, without a proper understanding of what those things are and how to avoid them, the process of being triggered and reacting to these triggers can be ongoing. For many, it feels like an endless cycle of being triggered by something, seeking relief, and relapsing.
In order to slow or stop the use of substances like drugs or alcohol, it’s extremely important to understand what triggers the sorts of feelings that may lead to substance use, and how to best avoid these triggers.
Tips for Understanding and Avoiding Your Triggers
Below are some tips to better understand your specific triggers and how you can avoid them…
Keep in mind that no two people are the same, and your triggers may not be the same as others.
Consider Your Stressors
What specifically stresses you out? Is it your work? Family? Obligations?
Understanding what causes you stress can help you to either avoid those things or find healthy ways of coping with them without the use of drugs or alcohol.
Think About Your Environment
Your environment can have a major effect on your habits. If you are in a living situation where everyone in your household drinks and/or uses drugs regularly, it can be extremely triggering. The same goes for work. If you work in a bar, for instance, it can be very difficult to say, “No,” to a drink.
While for some it’s impossible to immediately change their environment (for instance, moving out may not be an immediate option), at least having an understanding of what environments trigger you can help you to create a plan of action to cope when you are feeling triggered.
Avoid People That Pressure You
Peer pressure is a major barrier for many people that struggle with a substance use disorder. If you have people in your life that drink and/or use substances regularly, consider asking them to avoid the use of substances while around you. If they choose not to listen, you may need to take a break from those friends or family members for a while.
If anyone in your life knows you are trying to stop or moderate your drinking or substance use and they keep pressuring you, you may need to consider avoiding those people.
Don’t Keep Drugs or Alcohol in the House
Having drugs or alcohol within reach at any given time can make quitting extremely difficult. If you live alone, get rid of all of the substances in your house. If you live with others, ask that they keep their alcohol or drugs in their room and ask them to not drink or use in front of you. Many roommates and family members will understand and will accommodate your needs.
Have a Plan in Place to Handle Your Triggers
For when you do end up feeling triggered, make sure you have a plan in place. This may include meditation, going for a walk, calling someone that is sober, or anything else that can help you to reduce your stress and discomfort. Having a plan is a lot easier than trying to react on the spot.
Having Trouble Getting or Staying Sober?
Even if you understand your triggers, you may still have trouble stopping the use of substances. For top-tier support with handling your triggers, getting sober, and maintaining your sobriety, reach out to Front Door Health.
Front Door Health provides judgment-free in-home treatment for patients when they need it. We take an evidence-based approach to treatment, and we create custom treatment plans for our patients to increase their chances of success. Our treatment process is client-focused and individualized. This means no group sessions with strangers and no “treatment as usual” approach. You are unique and the treatment plan we create for you is designed to meet you where you are along your journey and help you to reach your recovery goals.
We understand that it can be difficult to put your life on hold and take time off work. Our in-home treatment allows you to continue to meet your work, school, family, and other obligations while receiving the treatment you deserve.
If you would like to learn more about in-home treatment, contact Front Door Health today. We’re happy to answer any questions and provide you with the help you need.
There are a lot of advantages to in-home treatment, which include: