Is My Loved One Okay? Signs of Substance Use and Mental Health Issues
You may have noticed recent changes in your loved one that are concerning. Maybe they are taking more risks than they usually do. Maybe their mood has shifted. There are a lot of different ways that substance use and mental health issues express themselves.
If you believe your loved one is suffering from substance use and/or a mental health disorder, you’ll want to consider what to look for. You can then address the issue and encourage them to get the help they need.
What Should I Look for?
There are a lot of signs of substance use and mental health disorders you can look out for. Keep in mind that not everything listed below is proof of a disorder. There are often other explanations. If you notice a few of the symptoms below and they aren’t going away, though, you may need to speak with your loved one.
Some things to look out for include:
· Inability or unwillingness to meet obligations
· Neglecting work or school
· Risk-taking
· Physical changes in weight and appearance
· Unusual smells
· Signs of lack of sleep
· Irritability and changes in mood
· Isolation
· Excessive partying
· Mood swings
· Anxiety and paranoia
Addressing Your Loved One
If you notice some or many of these symptoms, you’ll want to address them with your loved one in a safe and calm way. Outline your concerns and be prepared to listen. Stay positive and kind, but firm. Have treatment options ready.
Be prepared for your loved one to turn down help. As Mayo Clinic puts it:
“In some cases, your loved one with an addiction may refuse the treatment plan. He or she may erupt in anger or insist that help is not needed or may be resentful and accuse you of betrayal or being a hypocrite.
Emotionally prepare yourself for these situations, while remaining hopeful for positive change.”
While your loved one may turn down the help, it’s best to at least provide them with the opportunity to get the help they need.
Getting Your Loved One the Help They Deserve
Once you’ve noticed the signs of substance use and/or mental health issues and addressed them with your loved one, it’s time to get them the help they need and deserve. Front Door Health provides treatment for both those with substance use disorders and dual diagnosis. We specialize in in-home treatment. Our top mental health and addiction specialists visit the homes of our patients and provide them with the treatment they need in a comfortable and familiar environment.
If you would like to learn more about treatment or signs to look for, reach out today. We look forward to helping you along your road to recovery.
There are a lot of advantages to in-home treatment, which include: